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石見の海を眺める「大崎鼻灯台」 Osakihana light house by Japan sea



灯台からの眺めは美しい海岸線と丘陵が広がっていて、益田市の有名な歌人 柿本人麻呂 が詠んだ歌にちなんだ地が一望できる場所でもあります。

You can see a beautiful sunset from a lighthouse in Gotsu. 
The lighthouse called "Osakihana-light house" is near the Iwami Seaside Park.  The coastline and hill of the views from the lighthouse are beautiful. 
Also, Kakinomoto Hitomaro who was the famous poet wrote about there.


Kakinomotono-hitomaro was a poet who worked for an emperor of Japan in 600s. He composed 84 Japanese poems for a famous Japanese poem collection, “Manyo-shu”.


 You can take beautiful pictures of the contrast of forest and light house there.
So, I recommend you to spread them !
Sometimes you can see the inside of the lighthouse. 
Check the tourism site of Gotsu!


Actually, Hamada Maritime Safety Agency distributes the video around the lighthouse every time. 
If you want to see the views, you can see them by do watching the video.
But, if you want to get an elegant feeling, you had better go there directly. 
I hope you go there.

Access: 35minutes by walking from Hashi Station (Parking Available)
Address: Uyagawa898, Gotsu, Shimane

Tell: 0855-52-0534